Men without Chests, Feelings, Souls?

Men Without Chests, Feelings, Souls?

What is becoming of the American man?

We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and  enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.” C.S. Lewis, The Abolition Of Man[1]

There is a plethora of evidence in the literature and media over the past couple of decades that point to the fact that men today, especially men in America, need a makeover — desperately.

There has been an alarming decline in male self-awareness and masculinity over the past 30 or so years, judging from the research, that points to the fact that men are losing touch with themselves and, consequently, losing touch with reality. The all-consuming female principle has gone unchecked or has been turned lose by an increasingly complacent and out-of-touch society, and the result is imbalance and chaos. It cannot and likely will not have a good end. The sages have predicted this to be the final yuga or age, the age of the destructive female demon-goddess Kali, an age of darkness.

Metaphorically, the four Yuga epochs symbolize the four phases of involution during which the human race gradually lost the awareness of their inner selves and subtle bodies.

This teaching interprets the epochs of time (yugas) to represent the degree of loss of righteousness in the world. This teaching suggests that during Satya Yuga, only truth prevailed (Sanskrit Satya = truth, is one of the fundamental principles of yogic Tantra). During the Treta Yuga, the universe lost one-fourth of the truth, and duing the Dwapar Yuga, the world lost one-half of the truth. Now, in this current yuga, the Kali Yuga is left with only one-fourth of the truth. Evil and dishonesty have therefore gradually replaced truth in the last three ages.

We have had the benefit of prophetic writers like C.S. Lewis, George Orwell, and Aldous Huxley, who had predicted prophetically the current state of affairs. The sages of Sanatana Dharma and other faith and belief traditions warned of the “decline of mankind,” and we are witnessing it on a global scale everywhere. We do indeed live in the fourth yuga, the yuga of darkness, dishonesty, and evil.

Being a student of Sanatana Dharma and yogic Tantra, and being a male who cherishes above all his masculinity and defends it ferociously while remaining like the lotus, I attribute much of what is going on with the political and cultural assaults on masculinity and the decline of men to a fundamental imbalance in the masculine and feminine principles in the world, in our culture, and in ourselves. That balance has to be restored if we are to survive.

That’s why I took the step to create the discipline of Homoerotic Tantra: Men in Touch; men have to get back in touch with themselves and each other, and I believe that Homoerotic Tantra is a key to doing that.

But you don’t have to take my “biased” word for it. All you have to do is be observant of the world around you and, if that doesn’t convince you, just Google “decline of men” or “decline of masculinity,” and be prepared for a shock.

There’s plenty of pabulum-puking kowtowing by male authors out there, and they’re prime examples of the problem today. Authors who use the feminine pronoun  "she"throughout their writing instead of the once neutrally read “he” or the now grammatically acceptable “they.” Once I see the “she” I stop reading and trash the article or book. I’m plainly sick of the vile incursions of the feminists in every aspect of my world and I refuse to accept it.

What’s more, the misinformation and the PC in the media is a real threat. Over recent years, the media has portrayed the male in the West as a fat, lazy, stupid wimp, and the female as the smart, take-command, power wielding leader. (I won’t even mention the ever-more-frequent portrayal of mixed-race couples in the media, a glaring attempt to make such racial mixing more acceptable and to desensitize and already senseless liberal race of sheeple! Oops, but I just did, didn’t I? Well, whatever.)

The trend can be experienced first-hand on Facebook, for example, where this article would be banned, my account blocked or even disabled (=cancelled) because Facebook would decide that this article is “hate speech!” Facebook is not subject to free-speech provisions nor to speech that might offend psychopathic personalities (like the majority of loser Facebook subscribers).

I’d like to provide you with just a smattering of some of what you’ll find on the Internet if you do google the search terms I mentioned above. I’ve tried to give an across-the-board overview without succumbing to my own personal or political preferences.

In his article, "The Ongoing Decline of the American Male," (Intellectual Takeout, Dec 26, 20018), Jeff Minick writes:[2]
For years now, our government and our culture have bent over backwards creating opportunities or girls and young women. As a result, women now outnumber men n college, graduate school, law school, and medical school.

Compared to fifty years ago, many more women are now serving as elected officials in every form of government, more women now make more money than their husbands, and more women sit on corporate boards.

Meanwhile, as Tucker Carlson writes in Ship Of Fools: How A Selfish Ruling Class Is Bringing America To The Brink Of Revolution,

“[S]omething awful is happening to men in America.”

Here are a few statistics with which Carlson backs up this contention:

  • The average American man dies five years before the average American woman, in part because of increased death rates among males from opioids, alcohol, and suicide.

  • 90 percent of prison inmates are men.

  • Boys account for “the overwhelming majority in school discipline cases.”

  • About 20 percent of children live in fatherless households, which means many boys have no male mentor.

  • Perhaps most terrifyingly,” Carlson declares, is that “men seem to be becoming less male.”
He reports that sperm counts throughout the West have plummeted some 60 percent since the early 1970s, and that in the last thirty years testosterone levels among men have dropped 30 percent.

Amazon reviews the book, "The Decline of Men: How the American Male Is Getting Axed, Giving Up, and Flipping Off His Future" by Guy Garcia in alarming terms:[3]
In an eye-opening exploration of contemporary American manhood, Guy Garcia’s The Decline of Men shows how men are struggling to redefine what being a man means in today’s world. Packed with startling statistics, informed by pop culture, and narrated in the entertaining style for which Guy Garcia is known, The Decline of Men sheds light on a problem that has wreaked havoc on the American family and urges men and women to look past the gender wars to address this national emergency together.

There was a time when men sought to conquer the most difficult of challenges, like building the tallest buildings or climbing the highest mountains.

These days, the male species is teetering on the edge of those rooftops and mountaintops as American manhood appears to be in a sad state of affairs.

In an article on the Healthy Living site, James Combs’ article “The decline of men,” he starts off with the statement: [4]
It may be premature to say, but if trends continue, the American male will be a gender in decline.

I don’t think he’s being “premature” and what he has to say in his article clearly indicates that he is not being “premature.” He writes in his conclusion:

There are still plenty—plenty—of men who financially support their family, raise their children properly, and treat their wives like royalty.  Unfortunately, it seems these men are largely ignored by society.

“I teach at a university and we did a study one time on how commercials during prime time television portray men,” Dr. Saunders says. “One of them had a man tied to the porch with a leash and collar on him. A car goes by and he starts running toward it before getting snapped back. His wife laughs at him. Whenever a commercial or sitcom depicts a father, he’s always inept, like a Homer Simpson or Al Bundy. Those kinds of stereotypical negative images about what fatherhood is, in and of itself, to me, are part of the decline of men in America and how the culture views men.”

Moreover, Neil Howe writes in Forbes: "You're Not The Man Your Father Was:"[5]
The challenges to men’s health don’t end there. Rates of certain reproductive disorders (like testicular cancer) have risen over time, while multiple European studies have found that sperm counts are sinking. These trends coincide with a decline in musculoskeletal strength among young men: In a 2016 study, the average 20- to 34-year-old man could apply 98 pounds of force with a right-handed grip, down from 117 pounds by a man of the same age in 1985. Though grip strength isn’t necessarily a proxy for overall fitness, it’s a strong predictor of future mortality.

Across the population, men today have less testosterone compared to men of the same age a generation ago. Asking why requires untangling a complex web of social, environmental, and behavioral factors that are dismantling age-old ideas about masculinity and triggering real anxiety over changing gender roles.

What’s behind all the downward trends? The answer is complicated. The decline in testosterone levels is almost certainly linked to higher rates of obesity (which suppresses testosterone) and may be linked to lower rates of smoking in men (since nicotine is a potent aromatase inhibitor). In the 2007 study, however, the age-matched declines persisted after controlling for these vriables. Many observers put more weight on increased exposure to environmental toxins, such as pesticides, parabens, and chemicals common in household products like phthalates and bisphenol A.

Even the United Church of God chimes in with an illustrative example of what I'm talking bout. The Church writes in, “The Decline of the American Male": [6]
What has happened to men today? A growing tide of books, blogs, lectures, social media posts, and magazine articles points to the growing wimpiness and whiny immaturity of males in America.

More and more, men are seen as weak, indecisive, fearful, childish, effeminate, inept creatures, no longer certain of their proper role in society. One hears terms like wuss, sissy, snowflake and others not suitable for print to describe men, especially younger men.

While this new model of maleness can be ascribed to men of all ages, the evidence shows it especially predominates among those in their 20s and 30s.

Glossing over the Biblical citations, the article goes on with more truth-telling:
Entertainment also comes in for its share of the blame, and the portrayal of men in television and other media has shown a marked change over the past 40 ears. Gone are rugged male roles such as those portrayed in TV Westerns, or portrayals of caring, wise, decisive fathers popularized in 1960s-era TV programs such as Father Knows Best and Leave It to Beaver.

Well before the end of the 90s those types were replaced by softer, gentler types, or roles that portrayed men—especially fathers—as inept bumblers, lovable idiots who, without the influence of their smart, decisive and efficient wives, would wreak havoc in their own households. Sensitivity became the watchword—John Wayne and Clint Eastwood were out.

TV does influence society, and who knows to what extent various popular programs provided role models for today’s younger men?

[Aside: The UCC article was so spot on and honest, as opposed to mainline media on the subject, I actually downloaded it for my archives!]

In a Bloomberg opinion article entitled, "The Side Effects of the Decline of Men," the business-oriented medium writes:[7]
The good news is that a higher percentage of women moved into such cognitive jobs, with that number rising 4.6 percentage points from 1980 to 2000, up to 58.8 percent. That shift is larger than it looks, because so many more women received a college education over that period, and yet so many of them were absorbed fairly smoothly into good jobs. Overall, women went from holding 38 percent of the cognitive jobs to 48 percent, a stunning improvement.

One possible reason for this shift is that more jobs demand good social skills. The data show that the growing demand for social skills, as measured by job characteristics and employment ads, has matched where women have gained relative to men in the workplace. The researchers suggest the scientific evidence shows that women have on average stronger skills in empathy, communication, emotion recognition and verbal expression, and corporateAmerica is valuing those qualities all the more. [My emphasis!]

And the article's finale statement: "Today's America is not quite "the end of men," but the evidence is accumulating that their social status is ailing, and for reasons that are fairly deep and structural and hard to fix. Unfortunately for the rest of us, men are not always accepting this relative decline with grace." [My emphasis]

In their nauseating panderingly PC way, and despite the almost courageous exposé of the article, I do take umbrage at the the Bloomerg author’s use of the word “Unfortunately” in the final paragraph; it hands the entire argument back to the wusses with low-performance testicles. Men do not have to take the contemporary kick to the balls with “grace,” we have to take a good hard look at what our brother’s are becoming and do something about it!

Join the Homoerotic Tantra: Men in Touch (HET:MiT) program, and get back in touch with your masculinity before it is drained out of you altogether!

[1] C.S. Lewis’ The Abolition of Man (first published in 1943) is one of the most prescient books of the twentieth century, ranking alongside Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World”, and George Orwell’s “1984”, in its continuing relevance to life in the twenty-first century.

[2], last accessed on February 19, 2019.

[3] Garcia, Guy. Decline of Men: How the American Male Is Tuning Out, Giving Up, and Flipping Off His Future. New York: Harper, 2009.

[4], last accessed on February 19, 2019.

[5], last accessed on February 19, 2019.

[6], last accessed on February 19, 2019.

[7], last accessed on February 19, 2019.


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